Comments on the day

How To Get Better At Saying “No”

You don’t have to let the guilty voice in your head get the best of you.
by Mikaela Kiner, 04.24.18
Fast Company

You’re running around with a million things to do, and you’ve barely made a dent in your to-do list. Then someone asks you to take on a project you definitely don’t have time for, and you answer “yes” without thinking.

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TEDTalk – The gift and power of emotional courage

Published on February 20, 2018
Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility. A talk to share.

Amazing Native Women

The Inuit Woman Who Survived the Arctic Alone

Outside Magazine OnlineBadass Women Chronicles
Kate Siber | 1.18.2018

Ada Blackjack had no wilderness skills before she was forced to fend for herself on a remote Arctic island—and outlived four male explorers.

Except for the polar bears, a corpse, and a small house cat named Vic, Ada Blackjack found herself alone on Wrangel Island in late June 1923. Nearly two years had passed since a schooner dropped her off with four young white explorers who intended to claim the Arctic isle for the British.


Take a break to be inspired

Take a break to watch this video and be inspired!  Thank you

Scotland’s Wildest Places

From filmmaker Gilles Havet, Scotia Symphonia documents a family trip to Scotland to see the Highlands, the Isle of Skye, and the Hebrides.

Use These Five Tricks To Never Forget Something Important Again

Stephanie Vozza
Fast Company | 02.02.2018

Forget to send that email? Return a call? Meet a deadline? If you chalk up memory mishaps to having too much to think about, you might be making excuses. “We all have a good memory; the problem is no one taught us how to use it,” says four-time USA Memory Champion Nelson Dellis.

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